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Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)
The Rules of Controlling the Whip

The competition is focused on the technique of controlling mainly two whips at once. It is divided into the qualification and the final.


A - Hitting Targets

Basic Rules of Hitting Targets:

  • A wooden block which falls of the beam is considered to be hit.
  • In the master class, there is no test targeting. The competitor can make a test targeting by not hitting the target.
  • Hitting two or more wooden blocks is not counted towards awarded points. Such woden blocks are not put back.
  • The distance from the standing place to the target is always 3 meters.
  • Targets: wooden blocks with a diameter of 3 cm and length of 5 cm, or wooden blocks with parameters of 2,5 x 2,5 x 5 cm, or empty scatter shotshells.

One Whip:

High-speed Hitting Wooden Blocks

There are 10 pieces of wooden blocks standing at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Number of hits in a time limit of 10 seconds is not restricted. The wooden blocks are placed on a beam which is in the height of 120 cm and the blocks have to be hit one after another from the side specified beforehand. Hitting 1 wooden block equals 1 awarded point, the maximum number of points is 10.

Hitting Skewers in a Horizontal Position

5 skewers with a length of 15 cm are placed above each other at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The task of the competitor is to cut the skewers one after another from the top to the bottom. The competitor has 5 hits in a time limit of 30 seconds. He obtains 2 points for one chopped skewer, therefore 10 points in total. In case of hitting more than one skewer, there are no points awarded.

Hitting Skewers in a Vertical Position

On a stand in a height of 120 cm, there are 5 skewers placed one behind another from the highest one to the smallest one, the skewers are 15, 11, 9, 7 and 5 cm long and they are at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The aim is to cut them one after another, from the highest one to the smallest one. The competitor has 5 hits in a time limit of 30 seconds. In case of hitting more than one skewer, there are no points awarded. There are 2 points awarded for one chopped skewer, therefore 10 points in total.

Two Wooden Blocks Standing on Each Other
On a beam there are 5 wooden blocks (with parameters of 4 x 4 x 10 cm) at a distance of 15 cm from each other. On every block there is a smaller wooden block with parameters of 2 x 2 x 5 cm or an empty scatter shotshell. The competitor has 5 hits in total. The wooden block, from which the smaller block is knocked down, has to stand still, previous wooden blocks can be knocked down. The task is to knock down the smaller wooden blocks without knocking down the bigger ones. There are 3 points awarded for one small wooden block which is knocked down, therefore 15 points in total.

Hitting Plastic Glasses

There are 5 vertically placed rods at a distance of 1,5 m from each other. On each rod there are 2 plastic glasses, or 2 pieces of polystyrene, fastened from each side of the rod, both in a different height. The task of the competitor is to hit the plastic glasses in the shortest period of time and there must be visible parts of the plastic glasses broken off. The competitor has only two shots on each plastic glass. If a plastic glass is not hit, there are 5 seconds counted towards the total time. The competitor is disqualified for overstepping the line which is at a distance of 2,5 m from the target. Points are awarded on the basis of the total time, these points are then counted towards the total result.


B) Obligatory Cracks

Two Whips

Cracks are performed in an uninterrupted move of both whips.

Group (performed with both whips in turns)

  • Hammer (The Snake Killer)
  • Figure ''S'' – behind
  • Elstner (overhand targeted crack – in front)
  • Circling the whip over the head on the right, the crack comes from the rotation of the elbow towards the body.

1 - 3 points awarded according to the performance, therefore the maximum number of     points awarded is 12.


Group (performed with both whips at once)

  • Overhead on the right
  • Elstner (overhand targeted crack – in front)
  • Figure ''S'' – in front
  • Repeated cracks in front and behind

1 - 3 points are awarded according to the performance, therefore the maximum number of points is 12.

Group (performed with both whips at once with time delay)

  • Hammer (The Snake Killer)
  • Figure ''S'' – behind or in front
  • Elstner (overhand targeted crack – in front)
  • Overhead on the right

1 - 3 points are awarded according to the performance, therefore the maximum number of points is 12.

Group (each hand performs a different crack at the same time).

Left hand – Repeated cracks in front and behind
Right hand – Flash (fast)

Left hand – Repeated cracks in front and behind
Right hand – Repeated flash (3 repetitions in an uninterrupted sequence)

Left hand – Hammer (The Snake Killer)
Right hand – Figure ''S'' – behind

Left hand – Figure ''S'' – in front
Right hand –  Circling the whip over the head, performing the crack behind the back.


Both hands must be able to perform required combinations described above and be substitutable. 1 - 3 points are awarded according to the performance, therefore the maximum number of points is 12.

6 competitors with the highest number of points obtained in sections A and B are qualified for the final.


The Final

A - Hitting Targets

Hitting an Elastic Target

  • Performed with two whips at once with time delay – 5 x 2 cracks, the distance = 2,5 m, the maximum number of points is 10.

Hitting Wooden Blocks in Turns

  • Performed with one whip, the distance = 3 m, 5+5 cracks = max. 10 points in 60 seconds.

The wooden blocks are hit one after another from the side specified beforehand. One wooden block = one point awarded, the maximum number of points is 10. The rules are the same as the rules of High-speed Hitting Wooden Blocks.

Hitting Wooden Blocks Placed in Drawers

  • Performed with one whip, the distance = 3 m, hitting 10 wooden blocks placed in drawers which are at a distance of 10 cm above each other, performed with both hands in turns, hitting the wooden blocks from the bottom to the top.

The number of cracks = 10 in total.
One wooden block = one point awarded, the maximum number of points is 10.

Zorro – Turning the Candles off

  • There are 5 candles fixed in a triangle behind a screen with holes. The distance = 2,5 m.

The competitor has 2 trial cracks and 5 competitive cracks to turn the candles off through the holes in the screen without knocking them down or turning them off from behind the screen.
Turning 1 candle off = 3 points, therefore the maximum number of points is 15.


B - Optional Exercises with Music

The maximum time = 5 minutes, own music required.
The time limit is started an ended by the signal of the referee.
The competitor is forbidden to include hitting targets and to take advantage of help from an assistant in the optional exercises.
Only a technique of controlling the whip is a matter of awarding points.


Awarding Points:

Style and technique, quality of performance – there are 5 referees, each of them has an opportunity to award 1-10 points, therefore the maximum number of points awarded is 50.

Technical difficulty and performance - there are 5 referees, each of them has an opportunity to award 1-10 points, therefore the maximum number of points awarded is 50.


Points are awarded after optional exercises of all the competitors are performed.

Final placings are based on the total number of points awarded in hitting targets and optional exercises.

The winner becomes the Master of Europe in controlling the whip.

The organizers reserve the right to adjust the rules that are published beforehand on www.w-club.cz and www.trikovelaso.net 

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