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Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)
Rules open show 2012

European Western Championship 2012 – open show in the disciplines of operating whips, lassoing tricks, juggling with western revolvers, in throwing knives and tomahawks.

General rules

are concerned as a separate competition of the European Championship of the best Western Show categories in operating long whips, lassoing tricks, juggling with western revolvers, in throwing knives and tomahawks.The competition is divided into two parts. The first part includes technical disciplines which will influence the effect of the total classification. The total classification also serves to the elimination of the contestants for whom the time to participate on the European championship didn’t ripen yet. We recommend the attendance to those contestants who already were successful in other competitions, especially then in free Shows, on the European championship, in the big awards Indiana Jones championship, championship of the Czech republic and other states, especially USA. The professional jury can disqualify participants who refuse to respect the rules of the competition.

The punctual sum of both of these parts sets the final list of the contestants and the winner is the European champion in Wrester-shows in individual disciplines for this year.

The contestants are obligatory to respect instructions of the jury and are obligatory to follow conventions that will not endanger the life, health of persons or cause damage to property damage. At shooting with arms, it is prohibited to fire with sharp ammunition!!! At shooting with modified ammunition the contestants have to warn upon this circumstance the jury and are fully responsible for pertinent claims or bodily harm.

During the competition it is not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs.

The rules of the competitions are given and for the year 2012 unchangeable, they may however in the new years extend by new disciplines.

The creators and organizers of the competition reserve the right for changes in the next new years. These changes will be announced at least one month in advance before the beginning of this European championship. The creators and organizers of the competition nevertheless reserve the right to make changes in the new yearly competitions.  

At the interpretation of the rules proceeds the interpreting by the referee. The referee acquaints the contestants before the competition with the particular rules and will answer all possible questions.

The contestants are obligatory to respect the instructions of the referees and behave so, that they don’t endanger themselves and their surroundings.

The contestant is bound to be ready on the spot 10 minutes before his performance has to begin, if he will not set to the performance into two minutes after the announcement of his name, he could be disqualified. The performance order is given by the registration in the starting list or after an agreement with the referee.

If the contestant has music on CD or on cassette, it must be marked with his name with written instructions and passed to the sound engineer in time before the performance.

The contestant has got adequate time for the preparation of instruments for the performance, c. 5 minutes, he can ask one or more assistants to help him, but it mustn’t be a group performance of several main actors.


The show must have a western character and it is on the contestant what he will want to perform.

It is possible to use a partner or yokemate or onlooker.

Time limit is started and finished by the chief Referee, the time for individual performances is 5 minutes with a maximum tolerance of two minutes for a total of up to seven minutes.

If it comes to a situation of a debatable shot hitting the target, the referee stops the time period necessary to establish the facts, and this time is not counted in the time limit. The referee has the option to specify repetition follows controversially rated discipline.

The competition assessment techniques hitting targets sit three professionally trained referees.

Competition show is rated by a five-member jury of experts from the ranks of professionals.

Competitors have the right to protest, orally immediately after the end of the production or discipline of the competitor. In case of a positive assessment protest the referee in cooperation with the judges of a specific competition is the competitor entitled to repeat his performance or discipline.

The competitor with the maximum of obtained points in each category is the winner.

Assessment is made ​​by 5 judges, each can give max.10 points per element:
Style and technique, costume, music, contact with the audience, the quality of execution.

The competitors is obligated to comply the principles of safety and is responsible for ensuring that endanger life, human health or cause damage to property. At shooting from weapons it is prohibited to shoot live ammunition!! When shooting with modified ammunition the competitor must notify the referee of this circumstance and is fully responsible for any damages or injury.

The winner is the champion of Europe in the western show 1. 2. 3. place

European Western Championship in operating long whips - Rules

Technical disciplines:
 1 - Free 1 minute long of technically most interesting combination with one whip.
 2 - Free one minute long of technically most interesting combination with two whips.
  Rating: Special three-member jury assesses each combination one to ten points.
 The highest possible score is 60 points.

Hitting targets

1.goal – Zorro the highest art of punctuality (This aim comes from Las Vegas USA, and is used in the Czech Republic since 2003)

At a distance of 3 meters behind the screen is fitted with holes in a triangle of 5 candles. Competitors have 2 tests and 5 lashes for extinguishing the candles trough a hole of either hand without being dropped or struck from the back. Attention, rod cracker must not be longer than 25 cm. Tassel of the rod mustn’t be longer than 8 cm and its power should not be bigger than 3 mm. Every competitor must pass by the main judges before the approval of the competition.

For the extinguishing candle are 10 points 50 max points

2. goal - speed accuracy cups on the bars (This goal comes from Las Vegas USA, and is used in the Czech Republic since 2003)

The four vertical bars 2.4 meter high are located at a different height on each side of polystyrene or styrofoam cup with a length of 15 cm. The bars are spaced 1.5 m. Competitor's task is in the shortest time to shoot cups down so that the one visible piece break off, and fall to the ground. For each cup are only two shots. As far the cup is not hit – there are five seconds added to the total time for the competitor. The competitor is disqualified for foul plate 2.5 m away from the target. According to the achieved times are competitors with points that count towards the overall result.


All hit cups versus achieved time give the result. A hit cup does not affect the time, but a missed cup will be added extra for 5 seconds. The competitor with the shortest time gets 30 points and the others according to the time limit get lower points. For this competition can not be used a shorter whip than 3 meters (total length)

Max number of 30 points

SHOW (finals): This is the culmination of the European championship in the royal discipline on the best show in operating a long whip,

The Show has to have a western character and it is on the competitor what he will include in.

The time limit is 5 minutes and it is started and finished by the instructing of the referee, maximum possible time allowance are 2 minutes. The longest possible time for this show is 7 minutes. After finishing this limit the jury itself stops the performance.

You can use a partner, spectators. The location will be announced after the performance of all competitors.

The competitor with the highest combined scores of all disciplines (with the maximum points) is the winner

Organizers are reserved the right to change the rules
Rating is conducted by five expert judges, every one can give max.10 points per element:

European western Championship in the discipline lassoing - Rules

At lassos in technical disciplines is allowed:
free and fixed honda, brake (skids), reinforced by the end of the rope knot, firm ball (usually sealed to the end of this form), or looping the weak string or leather working lasso co-called polirop.
Contestants may enter the contest with a rope and skip for the most two special effect Lassos.
Compulsory part is divided into two categories
1 Through jumps with a Texas SKIP on-time. The Competitor in the time limit of one minute must spin a lasso in Texas skip and jump through it from one side to the other. The maximum number of through jumps is calculated. The competitor who fails to spin the skip is disqualified.
The competitor with a number of through jumps gets 30 points and the other competitors with a number of through jumps get less points per clue set.

2. As the biggest BIG Loop - Contestants spin the hoop as much as possible. The moment when this stops spinning hoops, pressed firmly dialed part of the lasso in hand. The referee will then measure the length of the used lasso which the competitor succeeded to spin. The competitor with the longest used,, dialed lasso receives the highest number of points.
The competitor with the longest length of the lasso gets 30 points and the other competitors at smaller lengths points, get less per given key.
SHOW (finals): This is the culmination of the European Championship in the Western discipline of the absolute best show in tricky lassoing.

The show has to have a western character and it is on the competitor what he will fit in to the show.

The time limit is 5 minutes and it starts and finishes by the instruction of the referee, maximum possible tolerance time are 2 minutes. The longest possible time for this show is 7 minutes. After this limit the jury finishes the performance.

It is possible to use partners or spectators. The location will be announced after the performance of all competitors.

The competitor with the highest combined scores of all disciplines (with the maximum points) is the winner

Organizers are reserved the right to change the rules


Rating is conducted by five expert judges, every one can give max.10 points per element:

European western Championship in the discipline of controlling western revolver - Rules

The competition is divided into two parts: technical categories and free 5 - max 7 minutes long show

Technical category consists in the fastest drawing of the revolver. The beep contestant pulls a revolver and shoots. The shot must have come out clearly drawn weapons. The acoustic stopwatch records the actual time. The referees have the right to judge whether a shot was shot out of the gun drawn or bent. Such an attempt is not counted. Three attempts, the jury records the fastest time, which is then ranked in the overall ranking contestants. The competitor with the shortest time gets 30 points and the other according to the time key lower points.

SHOW (finals): This is the culmination of the European Championship in the Western discipline of the absolute best show in juggling with western revolver


The show has to have a western character and it is on the competitor what he will fit in to the competition.

The time limit is 5 minutes and it starts and finishes by the instruction of the referee, maximum possible tolerance time are 2 minutes. The longest possible time for this show is 7 minutes. After this limit the jury finishes the performance.

It is possible to use partners or spectators. The location will be announced after the performance of all competitors.


The competitor with the highest combined scores of all disciplines (with the maximum points) is the winner

Organizers are reserved the right to change the rules
Rating is conducted by five expert judges, every one can give max.10 points per element:

Western European Championship in control throwing Knives and Tomahawks – Rules

The Compulsory part is divided into two testing categories - technical categories and free 5 - max 7 minutes long show

Knife: At a distance of 3-4 meters on the block with a diameter of 70-80 cm, are located 5 cards in the shape of a cross with a diameter of 50 cm. Five shots at five cards, each affected card equals 10 points.
Tomahawk: At a distance of 3-4 meters on the block with a diameter of 70-80 cm, are located 5 cards in the shape of a cross with a diameter of 50 cm. Five shots at five cards, each affected card is equals 10 points


SHOW (finals): This is the culmination of the European Championship in the western discipline of the absolute best show in operating throwing knives and tomahawks.


The show has to have a western character and it is on the competitor what he will fit in to the competition.

The time limit is 5 minutes and it starts and finishes by the instruction of the referee, maximum possible tolerance time are 2 minutes. The longest possible time for this show is 7 minutes. After this limit the jury finishes the performance.

It is possible to use partners or spectators. The location will be announced after the performance of all competitors.

The rating is conducted by five expert judges every one can give max.10 points.

The competitor with the highest combined scores of all disciplines (with the maximum points) is the winner. The lacing will be announced after the performance of all competitors.

Organizers are reserved the right to change the rules.

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