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Halloween 2022
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Halloween 2022

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JesART 2022
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Indiana Grand Prix 2022

VC Indiana 2022 en small


Adult competitors - for a start in all disciplines the uniform entry fee is 500 CZK - 20 Euro.

The competitor has the right to register in all competition categories in one price of 500 CZK.
For members of the Western Arts Club who have paid club fees for 2022 and members of the European Whip Cracking Association, the entry fee is 400 CZK - 16 euros.

Children and juniors - pay half the entry fee - 250 CZK - 10 Euro.
The competitor has the right to register in all competition categories in one price of CZK 250.
For Western Arts Club members who have paid club fees for 2022 and members of the European Whip Cracking Association, the entry fee is 150 CZK - 6 Euro. For members of the Western Arts Club, who have paid club contributions for the year 2022 and members of the European Whip Cracking Association, the entry fee is 150, - CZK - 6, - Euro.

The original coin - the Indiana dollar, which was made for the competition more than 17 years ago, can be purchased on the spot for CZK 75, entitles the competitor to a discount on the entry fee in the following years, worth CZK 75 of the current coin price. We still follow this tradition! Indiana Coins, Dollar, not only proves the contestant's entry into the competition, but also serves as a memorial and proof that the person holding it has participated in one of the previous years of the prestigious Indiana Grand Prix. You will be able to earn the Indiana dollar on Saturday, July 30, 2022 in the afternoon at Saloon Campground.

The competitor who has paid the entry fee is entitled to 1 lunch portion + 2 drinks at the Salon or Western School free of charge during the competition. We provide small snacks and bottled mineral water at the bowling alleys.
Free show in the arena La Skála Indiana 2022

      We have enriched this year's competition with a separate category - free Show, in which competitors can choose any motif when using competition tools such as - whip, lasso, knife, tomahawk, revolver and freely combine them. Each participant chooses a costume, props, theme, music, using a whip, lasso, knife, tomahawk or western revolver at his own discretion! The maximum length of the show is 10 minutes.

The show will take place in the afternoon in the theater - amphitheater La skála. The result of the Free Show category is evaluated by an expert committee with the help of the audience's reactions.
     The winner's reward in the free western show category is a commemorative Indiana Statue, a traditional Diploma and Medal.

     All competitors in all competition categories receive a commemorative entry form and a commemorative plaque issued on the occasion of the 25th annual Indiana Grand Prix 2022.
Please pay attention to the rules in individual disciplines on the website www.euwestern.eu, any questions write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

  Western Arts Club
Ladislav Sheen * GIN * - Organizer


Copyright © 2024 Western Arts Club. All Rights Reserved.